Current Fundraising Projects
Moriah houses are guy campers and our chapel. Our next big fundraising project is to install heating and cooling equipment in this building. This improvement will make chapel sessions much more comfortable. Many times we see campers getting distracted or speakers cutting chapel short because of the heat. Temps in the chapel regularly get into the 90'!
Moriah currently gets winterized and shut down after our fall retreats. Heating this space will allow us to use this building throughout the winter. We'll be able to house more campers at our events and have a bigger area for our chapel sessions.
While we strive to keep our registration fees low and affordable, there are always situations where a family is still unable to pay for them. It is our desire for every child to have the opportunity to attend camp regardless of their family's financial situation. Our scholarship fund is used solely for that purpose. The families requesting a scholarship are asked to seek assistance from their church first, then we ask them to pay what they can afford. Then we use scholarship funds to make up the difference. This lets us assist as many families as possible and bring them to camp. Help send kids to camp by contributing to our scholarship fund.
Our loan for this project has been paid off! Praise the Lord!
Tax Deductible Contributions
Lost Timber Bible Camp is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Financial contributions and gifts in kind to Lost Timber Bible Camp are tax-deductible according to state and federal law. Individuals wishing to contribute to Lost Timber are encouraged to check with a profession about possible tax benefits.